Issue 22 | December 2024

Dear readers,
We are pleased to share the fourth edition of the IKI Viet Nam Newsletter for 2024 with you. As always, this issue delivers updates on Viet Nam’s ongoing efforts to tackle climate change and biodiversity challenges, along with updates from IKI projects active in Viet Nam.
We would like to use the opportunity to inform on the 2025 Call for Proposals of the Mitigation Action Facility and would like to ask to share the. It is open for submission of project concepts three priority sectors (energy, transport and industry) until 19 February 2025.
The Call 2024 for the IKI Medium Grants still accepts proposals until 14 January 2025. The 2024 call has two priority topis: (1) Promotion of ambitious participatory measures for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and (2) Integrative measures for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in cities
Likewise the 6th IKI Small Grants ‘Call for Proposals‘ accepts proposals until 14 January 2025.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue.
Daniel Herrmann
On behalf of the IKI Interface Viet Nam
NDC 3.0 Regional Forum Asia: Paving the Way for the Next Generation of Climate Commitments
The NDC 3.0 Regional Forum Asia, held in Bangkok from September 30 to October 1, 2024, convened policymakers, climate experts, and representatives from various sectors. The forum focused on advancing the development of the next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement…
Launch of Viet Nam’s Updated National Adaptation Plan
Viet Nam used the opportunity of COP29 in Baku to launch its updated National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on 19 November 2024, the same day the document was signed by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha (Decision No. 1422/QD-TTg). It covers the period 2021-2030, with a…
UN Biodiversity Conference: Key Takeaways to Achieve “Making Peace with Nature”
The 16th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) took place from 21 October to 1 November 2024 in Cali, Colombia. This marked the first COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) during…
Collective Action to Strengthen the Role of Women in Peace and Security
At COP29, a key outcome was the agreement to extend the Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG) and establish a new Gender Action Plan (GAP). Accordingly, countries agreed to mainstream gender responsiveness into policies and national climate programmes, as well as promote financial and…
From Waste to Wonder: A shared mission to combat plastic pollution and protect coral reefs
When you look at a plastic shopping bag or a disposable coffee cup you buy on the way to work, have you ever considered their life cycle? Will they be neatly stored in our homes, awaiting recycling for future use—perhaps to help nurture a seedling…
Viet Nam Accelerates Green Transport Transformation with Ambitious New Emissions Reduction Plan
The Ministry of Transport (MoT) has unveiled Decision 1191/QĐ-BGTVT dated 30/09/2024, a landmark initiative aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Viet Nam's transport sector. The plan establishes specific, actionable measures to achieve the country's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) targets under the Paris Agreement,…
“Vietnam’s NDC outlines the financial requirements for each measure and actions, providing a solid foundation for further investment mechanisms. Linking policies to concrete investment strategies can guide international partners and private investors in supporting Vietnam’s climate goals. The IKI will be very happy to support…
Technological Innovation – Key to promote Energy Transition
The proportion of installed capacity of renewable energy, particularly wind and solar power, in Viet Nam’s power system has increased rapidly in recent years and will continue to be promoted following the objectives outlined in PDP8. The electricity system must be more adaptable in response…
Hanoi Climate Talks: In conversation with experts and environmental activists to tackle climate change in Viet Nam
This year, the German Embassy in Hanoi, in collaboration with Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) has organised the “Hanoi Climate Talks” series. Its aim is to bring policymakers, businesses, climate advocates and the public to share their experiences and insights on addressing…
Cô On and Hòn Yến Fishing Village’s Shift to Green Tourism
On the windswept shores of Phú Yên, as the sun rises over the horizon, gentle rays cast a golden glow upon the shimmering coral reefs beneath the crystal-clear waters of Hòn Yến. The deep blue ocean, infused with the salt-laden breeze, enfolds the island and…
Viet Nam seeks cooperation in energy technology with Germany and France
Specifically, the delegation met with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany (BMWK), the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM), and the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce Abroad (AHK) to discuss policies on innovation and technology transfer in Germany, as…
Green Cooling Initiative III: Advancing the transformation of refrigerants towards sustainable cooling in Viet Nam
In 2019, by ratifying the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, Viet Nam committed to phasing down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) - synthetic gases commonly used in cooling and refrigeration, which are a rapidly growing source of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming. According to the…
Notifications On: Timely Climate Alerts Boost Farmers’ Resilience Across Viet Nam’s Mekong River Delta
In Viet Nam’s Mekong River Delta, farmers are receiving valuable information in the form of Agro-Climatic Bulletins. The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT was the sole international organisation recognised by the Vietnamese government for expanding these services to reach over 270,000 farmers. Enabling hundreds of…
Launch of the Mekong Delta’s Sand Budget
In the center of the Mekong Delta, the IKI funded Sustainable Sand Management in the Mekong Delta Project (IKI SMP), managed by WWF-Viet Nam and Viet Nam Dike and Disaster Management Authority (VDDMA), proudly announced the results of the first ever delta-wide Sand Budget for…
Village Development Fund: Empowering Community-led Biodiversity Conservation in Central Annamites
Shifting to non-forest-based livelihoods has enabled families around Saola nature reserves to increase their income while actively contributing to biodiversity conservation by reducing pressure on nature reserves. For generations, communities living around protected areas (PAs) have depended on forests for their sustenance and protection. Many…
Enhancing GHG Inventory Capabilities
Viet Nam has taken a practical step towards bolstering its climate action capabilities. The Department of Climate Change (DCC) of MONRE recently hosted a five-day training workshop titled "Implementing 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Inventory Software: Enhancing National GHG Emissions Inventory." The event is supported…
Total lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions from cassava-based ethanol from post-mining land are up to 17% lower than from gasoline
The IKI project “Cultivation of Energy Crops on Post-Mining Sites” aims to develop and test ways to cultivate biomass as a feedstock without competing for land or causing negative environmental impacts through land use change (LUC). While the first phase of the project (2015-2018) focused…
A bridge between Vietnamese and German youth
11 Vietnamese youth ambassadors had the opportunity to participate in the study tour "Youth for Just Energy Transition: A global exchange", which took place in Berlin from June 3 to June 10 alongside German youth leaders. The study tour is part of the Green Youth…