Data Collection and Elaborate a Market Study in the Domestic and Retail Refrigeration Subsectors under the Food Cold Chain Sector in Viet Nam
Viet Nam is a rapidly developing nation facing both population growth and the impact of climate change with over 99 million people and a high population density, Viet Nam’s economic expansion and urbanization contribute to an escalating demand for cooling. It plays a major role in economic and social development including the food processing, freezing, electronics and pharmaceutical industries. However, this growth also intensifies the environmental strain, since the cooling sector is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In 2016, it constituted 9% of the country’s total emissions, emitting 28.7 Mt CO₂eq (GIZ, 2019).
The cold chain sector has also become a significant and rapidly expanding market in Viet Nam. According to FiinGroup, the participation of both domestic and international investors has been robust, leading to a 44.8% increase in the design capacity of cold storage facilities between 2020 and 2023. The logistics market for cold chains in Viet Nam reached a value of 211.2 million USD in 2023, with projections indicating a 70% increase in cold storage capacity over the next five years, from 1 million to 1.7 million pallets. The growth of the cold chain and domestic refrigeration or refrigeration sector in general has led to a significant increase in energy consumption and GHG emissions. The average HFC consumption during this period reached 5,700 tons, equivalent to 10.7 million tons of CO₂ eq. Notably, a 2% increase in 2022 HFC consumption led to a 9% rise in CO₂ emissions, indicating a shift towards higher-emitting HFCs.
To learn more about the current situation of cooling sector in Viet Nam, as well as the transformation plan to Green Cooling technologies on Food Cold Chain, please find the key findings in a study was conducted by an expert team from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Dr.-Ing. Trinh Quoc Dung and Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien): a study was conducted by an expert team from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Dr.-Ing. Trinh Quoc Dung and Dr. Nguyen Ba Chien): on Data collection and elaborate a market study in the domestic and retail refrigeration subsectors under the food cold chain sector in Viet Nam, and (i) Market Analysis Results and Proposed Transformative Plan to Green Cooling Technologies in Vietnam Food Cold Chain.