To recap and emphasize the progress of Viet Nam in the implementation of its COP26 commitments the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Viet Nam hosted a side event on 9 November at the NDC Partnership Pavillion at COP27 titled “From commitments to actions: Viet Nam is working together with NDC Partnership members to turn its commitments at COP26 into whole-of-country actions”. The event was co-hosted with the International Climate Initiative (IKI) represented by the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and UNDP.
In his opening speech, Mr. Pham Van Tan, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam warmly appreciated the strong support from the members of the NDC Partnership to lead efforts to reduce GHG emissions in Viet Nam. Also, he announced the submission of the updated NDC 2022 a day before.
Mr. Till Tibbe, representative of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) highlighted in his speech the mission of the International Climate Initiative (IKI), an important part of the German government’s international climate finance commitment. For IKI, Viet Nam is considered as a long-standing and important partner with 45 completed projects, 40 ongoing and 6 upcoming. In addition, Mr. Tibbe emphasized two up-coming large volume IKI projects in Viet Nam, the Shifting Investment Flows Towards Green Transformation (SHIFT), and Nature-based Solutions for Adaptation in Agriculture though Private Sector Transformation (VN-ADAPT) project as well as global project with a focus on the just energy transition. To support Viet Nam for the implementation of COP26 commitments, IKI has in the last year partnered with the Department of Climate Change (DCC) to support the development of the National Climate Change Strategy to 2050, the 2022 NDC update and to strengthen DCC in its coordination function for the National Steering Committee on COP26 implementation through the IKI interface project. At the sectoral level, IKI has contributed to build up a slew of sectorial plannings such as the NDC implementation plans for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) subsectors, the National Implementation Plan for the Glasgow Declaration on Forest and Land use, mitigation options for three subsectors in Construction and the Action Plan on a Green Energy Transformation, Methane and Carbon Emission Mitigation in the transport sector.
Thirdly, Mrs. Susanne Olbrish, representative of UNDP addressed the strong collaboration between UNDP and GIZ to support Vietnamese government in the national climate change strategy with the net zero ambition by 2050 after COP26. If IKI has focused more on the mitigation aspects, UNDP has forwarded many adaptation projects such as the transforming adaptation across coastal communities and sustainable adaptation practices for vulnerable farmers.
To update the latest support from HSBC to Viet Nam, Mr. Justin Wu, the co-head of Climate Change Asia Pacific at HSBC announced the financial resources mobilization of 12 billion USD of HSBC to support Viet Nam increased climate action.
The COP side event closed with a panel discussion where keynote speakers had a deeper discussion on the continued support of IKI, UNDP and HSBC in Viet Nam. Also, Mr. Pham Van Tan encouraged international partners to draw up new collaborations to successfully implement the updated Vietnam NDC 2022.
The recording of the side-event can be accessed here. (NDC Partnership Facebook page)