Green Youth labs: Training programme for innovation and a socially equitable energy transition
Vietnam is experiencing high economic growth rates, combined with a rapidly growing energy demand. Although the expansion of renewable energies (solar, wind) is gaining momentum, a large proportion of energy is still generated from coal. To advance the energy transition, increased awareness, and sensitization about the overall benefits of fossil-free energy and mobility concepts is necessary. Young people (who make up 70 percent of the total population) have developed an increasing awareness on climate change due to the country’s high vulnerability to its impacts. Yet, they are often excluded from the political decision-making processes and lack the necessary experience, expertise, or institutional support to implement their own ideas about how to advance the energy transition.
Funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and implemented by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Climate and Energy Project in Asia and Live and Learn (L&L), training programme for innovation and a socially equitable energy transition Green Youth Labs aims to harness the creative potential of young people to develop innovative low carbon model projects and introduce them as future leaders to a low-carbon transformation of society.
The project uses a two-stage training programme to educate youth and young professionals to become “climate ambassadors” who advocate for low-carbon production and climate-friendly use of energy in their community. 150 young participants per year will receive a basic training on sustainable energy and climate change. Through an advance training for 30 selected participants, young people’s awareness and skills to contribute to a socially just energy transition and sustainable end-use of energy will be strengthened. In a Youth Innovation Challenge, young people can submit proposals for model projects in their hometowns. At least ten of these ideas are implemented each year. In addition, young people engage with politicians and business leaders as well as the climate movement and experts in Germany to enhance their voice in society and contribute with their own ideas to the transition to a low-carbon development model.
Video: what is just transition This is why we need a JUST TRANSITION | FES Asia – YouTube
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