Intermediate status of the ongoing NDC review and update
The inter-ministerial and cross-sectoral Vietnamese NDC Task Force continues to work intensively on the review and update of its 2015 climate change contribution. The Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) has been undergoing revisions for a year and a half, with the aim of presenting an updated version (NDC 2) in 2019. In late August 2018, a stakeholder consultation workshop took place at which key points were raised for discussion and comment. Drawing on this feedback, key assumptions and data in the five existing sectoral reports were revised. A writing retreat from 12-17 September 2018 in Quang Nam Province with about 12 participants enabled the revision of all chapters accordingly. Adjustments included, for example, the contribution of the energy sector and a clear distinction between the conditional and unconditional contribution to both “industrial processes” and “LULUCF”. Two months later, from 12-16 November 2018, another writing retreat took place in Hanoi. The aim of this event was to agree on the national Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario and the mitigation scenarios to address inconsistencies. One further recommendation was to integrate gender aspects into the NDC 2. In addition, the results from the global IKI project “Advancing transport climate strategies” was included in the report on the energy sector. The submission of the NDC 2 is now envisaged for the year 2020, not 2019 as originally planned.