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Minister Tran Hong Ha at COP25: “Responding to climate change is a matter of morality”

The Vietnamese delegation attended the 25th Conference of the Parties to the Climate Convention (COP25) in Madrid from 2-13 December. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Tran Hong Ha, head of Vietnam´s delegation, delivered a keynote speech at the high-level segment.

Tran Hong Ha emphasized three key issues: ethics, solidarity and guidance for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. He said that countries need to unite to make a change to the development model towards sustainable economies with high resilience to the effects of climate change, mentioning his accounts especially to the energy sector.

Four years ago, in Paris, countries were united and highly determined to create one of the most beautiful revolutions of the 21st century, bringing new hope to tackle the climate crisis. Since then, we have all worked to protect the global climate and to achieve sustainable development goals for future generations. However, climate change keeps affecting us in a negative manner. Both research and reality have proved that we find ourselves in a hazardous situation”, said Ha.

He proposed to consider climate change response as a matter of morality, calling on countries that have yet not fulfilled their responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make financial contributions before 2020. He also mentioned the need for more guidance in implementation of the Agreement, particularly referring to “Article 6 – Cooperative Approaches” which should be completed soon. Further, the called to complete the review and update of the NDCs before the end of 2020 with “the best possible effort” in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change. Nature-based solutions, biodiversity and ecological balance should thereby be fully considered. At the same time, transparency and support in implementation of the Paris Agreement play an important role in promoting learning, exchange of experiences and strengthening trust among nations, according to him.

He further shared that Vietnam is about to complete the review and update of its NDC. At the same time, Vietnam strives to complement the national legal system on GHG emission reduction, climate change adaptation and resource mobilization, as e.g. in the amended Law on Environmental Protection which is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly for approval in 2020.

“Vietnam welcomes and wishes to promote cooperation with other countries and international organizations in fulfilling its commitments to the Paris Agreement to contribute to the joint efforts in global climate change response for a more sustainable and secure future of our planet”, concluded Minister Ha.

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Photo Credits:
GIZ, GreenYOU, UfU, WWF, baochinhphu, MONRE, UNDP, UNEP, Pixabay

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