National Trialogue and Consultation Workshop on the Draft National Ecosystem Assessment Report
On 6-7 November, the Institute of Strategy and Policy for Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) in coordination with the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (CBC) and the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) organized the National Trialogue and Consultation Workshop on the Draft National Ecosystem Assessment (NEA) Report in Hanoi. About 90 participants from governmental ministries, research institutes, universities, international and local NGOs, local communities, ethnic groups, civil society institutions, as well as the private sector and the media attended the workshop.
After two days of in-depth work, 50 comments were received for the draft NEA Report and associated Summary for Policy Makers were received and an agreement was reached on key contents of the report.
The ecosystem assessment was conducted to meet requirements by the International Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). All NEA work is coordinated globally by the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). The project in Vietnam, “Support to developing capacities to address Science-Policy-Practice interface” is led by the CBC under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA).
CBC works in collaboration with ISPONRE under MONRE and relevant agencies to carry out activities for Vietnam’s NEA. The Vietnam NEA team, including representatives from relevant government and non-government organizations, is currently developing the Draft NEA Report and Policy Summary for peer review.