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National consultations in the light of the Stockholm+50 conference: A healthy planet and prosperity for all

On 13 April 2022 the official launch of the Vietnamese national consultations towards the Stockholm+50 conference took place in Hanoi to promote dialogue on the main themes of the conference, “A healthy planet and prosperity for all”. The event was convened jointly by the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Embassy of Sweden in Viet Nam.

Stockholm+50 is an international conference that was held in Stockholm, Sweden from 2-3 June 2022 to commemorate the 1972 Stockholm Conference and celebrate 50 years of global environmental action, recognizing the importance of multilateralism in tackling the Earth’s triple planetary crisis related to climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste . It aims to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, as well as to encourage the adoption of green post-COVID-19 recovery plans.

To build a prosperous future on a healthy planet, Stockholm+50 calls for an inclusive approach that reflects the diversity of voices and perspectives of various stakeholder groups: local governments, cities, civil society, women, indigenous peoples and local communities, faith-based groups, academia, youth, industry, finance, and philanthropic foundations. All major stakeholder groups are encouraged to contribute to the preparation of the international meeting, including through a range of national consultations.

The national consultations, therefore, served to stimulate an inclusive dialogue on the main themes of Stockhom+50 and the Leadership Dialogues as relevant to each national context. The consultations in Viet Nam provided ideas, insights and innovative ideas that address current challenges and explore opportunities for climate response.  They focused on three main themes: nature-based solutions to reverse negative environmental trends, actions for a green and just energy transition, and development of a circular and sustainable economy. 

Following the launch event, Vietnamese national consultations continued through April and May. A national youth survey was conducted following the launch event to gather inputs of young people on the current climate actions, opportunities and challenges for Viet Nam. The results of the survey informed the Viet Nam report to amplify the voices of young people at Stockholm 50+. The report also included the outcomes of the national consultations.

Photo: UNDP in Việt Nam Facebook Page

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Photo Credits:
GIZ, GreenYOU, UfU, WWF, baochinhphu, MONRE, UNDP, UNEP, Pixabay

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