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Transforming Vietnam’s Tomorrow: Sustainable Carbon Pricing Unleashed

Vietnam is on the cusp of a momentous transformation, spearheaded by the Vietnam Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) Project. This pioneering initiative, supported by the World Bank under the PMI initiative, is poised to revolutionize Vietnam’s future by harnessing the potential of sustainable carbon pricing mechanisms, such as the National Crediting Program and Emissions Trading Scheme. With a steadfast commitment to refining policies, developing robust technical infrastructure, and empowering stakeholders, the PMI Project aims to propel sustainable growth and make a significant contribution to the global fight against climate change.

Ambitious Goals: Shaping Policies for a Greener Tomorrow

The PMI Project sets its sights on fortifying the policy framework by proposing and implementing a comprehensive strategy to expand the horizons of Vietnam’s carbon markets. This entails meticulously charting a roadmap that aligns with Vietnam’s net-zero target and exploring the potential involvement of various sectors, including coal thermal power, industry, solid waste management, and transportation, in the carbon market.

To support achieving these objectives and to ensure the operational effectiveness of the carbon market, the project places a strong emphasis on establishing the necessary technical infrastructure. This encompasses the creation of a national registry and the implementation of a national Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system. Furthermore, the project delves into the feasibility of a carbon trading exchange and implements a governance and management scheme that guarantees transparency, accuracy, and accountability within the carbon markets.

Empowering Stakeholders: A Collective Effort

The success and sustainability of the carbon markets hinge on active engagement from all stakeholders. Recognizing this crucial aspect, the PMI Project places greater emphasis on capacity building. Government agencies, private companies, and verifiers involved in the carbon market will benefit from tailored training programs and support. Regular updates, feedback sessions, and awareness-raising activities will be designed to foster collaboration among stakeholders, transforming the PMI Project into a collective endeavor towards a sustainable future.

A Holistic Approach: Crafting a New Narrative

The PMI Project unfolds as a comprehensive narrative, encompassing a wide array of activities aimed at achieving its objectives. Thorough analytical and feasibility studies will be conducted to support development of a detailed roadmap that aligns with Vietnam’s net-zero target. The project explores the potential participation of sectors beyond energy, including transportation and solid waste management, in the carbon market. Crucial technical and institutional aspects necessary for the seamless operation of compliance and voluntary carbon markets will be developed, including the establishment of a national registry and MRV system. Capacity building programs and stakeholder engagement will be sustained through regular updates and feedback sessions, shaping the PMI Project as a holistic endeavor.

A Turning Point: The Grant Agreement

The Government of Vietnam and the World Bank are poised to sign a grant agreement for the PMI Project, expected in the first quarter of 2024. This event signifies a significant milestone in Vietnam’s journey towards a sustainable future. The PMI Project is poised to play a pivotal role in promoting the adoption of sustainable carbon pricing mechanisms and expediting the country’s transition to a low-carbon economy.

Conclusion: A Greener Path Ahead

In conclusion, the Vietnam PMI Project is not merely an initiative; it is a driving force shaping Vietnam’s future. With its comprehensive objectives, diverse range of activities, and inclusive participation of various stakeholders this project represents a significant stride towards a greener and more sustainable Vietnam. The PMI Project is not just setting policies; it is charting the course for an entire nation, contributing to a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

For more information on the Partnership for Market Implementation and Vietnam PMI Project, please explore the following links:

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In charge of this newsletter:
Daniel Herrmann,
IKI Interface Vietnam
GIZ Office Vietnam
Project “Support to Vietnam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement II” (VN-SIPA II)

Editor: Tran Xuan Quynh

Photo Credits:
GIZ, GreenYOU, UfU, WWF, baochinhphu, MONRE, UNDP, UNEP, Pixabay

The IKI Vietnam Newsletter is administered by the IKI interface in Vietnam hosted by GIZ. It informs regularly about news of climate change and biodiversity projects in Vietnam financed by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is an important part of the German government’s international climate finance commitment. Since 2022 the IKI is implemented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in close cooperation with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA).

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