Vietnam´s NDC undergoes final consultations
In early 2020, two writing retreats were conducted to continue the review and update of the draft NDC executive summary and technical reports. As a result, the NDC Core Group in Vietnam agreed to calculate three different mitigation scenarios – low, middle, and high commitments – under the unconditional contribution. For adaptation, it was decided to restructure and edit content according to guidelines provided by the UNDP and the World Resources Institute, which were helpful in setting a foundation for later Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV). Also, Core Group members elaborated on the links between the NDC, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and other climate change related national strategies, as well as on topics that fell short in the previous version, such as Loss & Damage, greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes, co-benefits, and impacts of mitigation measures on socio-economic development.
During the February writing retreat, a broader consultation with line ministries and other stakeholders on the draft NDC reports took place with support from the IKI-funded interface project “Support to Vietnam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (SIPA) project. Feedback was taken into consideration in subsequent updates of the drafts.
Currently, the dossier of the Vietnamese NDC is being finalised and likely will be submitted to the Prime Minister and subsequently to the UNFCCC in the next weeks.